Ricotta Semi-Freddo
Marjoram / Pine Nut / Golden Raisin / Bergamot Sorbet

This is one of my newest dishes... The main component is a Ricotta Mousse that is frozen and filled with a bergamot orange cream. I truly love using ricotta in desserts and whenever I do, the dessert always ends up with an italian theme...ha. The other components are a pine cone zabaglione, honey confit pine nuts, marjoram shortbread, honey paper (which is the disk) and bergamot sorbet. I was able to get my hands on some fresh bergamot and I think that they are an incredible fruit, such an amazing fragrance from a citrus. The zest is intensely aromatic and the juice is beautifully bitter. The zest can be found as one of the main flavorings of earl grey tea. The smell of the fresh zest can be potent... smelling somewhat like grandma's perfume so I utilize the juice mostly throughout the dish. The bergamot is complimented very well by the piney-citrusy herb, marjoram, which is one of my favorite herbs. I kept the italian theme by making a zabaglione for the dish that is flavored with marsala and pine cone syrup. This dish is currently on the menu but certain components may change here or there. The pine nuts are cooked in honey and then fried and the golden raisin rounds out the dish with a nice subtle sweetness.